Duke Cannon: Promotional Emails and Paid Digital Assets

Here at Duke Cannon we generate a ton of work. Here are some of my favorites from my time here starting with an email we sent out to arouse enthusiasm for our seasonal St. Paddy’s Day THICK Body Wash, Shamrock. Note: Ballycastle is up north, and Dingle is in southern Ireland.

This summer we released a new THICK Body Wash and Big Ass Brick of Soap called Buck Moon. Here are a few paid assets, and two emails. We also made a music video and my old Hummingbird is in the clip holder below! Let’s start a band.

A handful of paid digital that compared our generous Big Ass Brick of Soap to a mega brand best known for producing women’s products (Dove) and the sophomoric testicle insuring brand known as Dr. Squatch.

Here are some emails that I feel reward the reader.

We relaunched out 2-in-1 Hair Wash in 2024: bigger bottles for the same price, plus we added two new scents — Midnight Swim and Sawtooth.